Youth Development - Inclusion Advocacy
We focus on young underserved and unemployed people, at-risk workers with lower employability prospects, economically weaker families, persons with disabilities and women (re)entering the job market with objective that they get require Access to EmployAbility. We contribute in building an empowered community of Verification, Validation & Testing Professionals in India.
At VVnT, we use Dermatoglyphics techniques for identifying Candidate’s Innate Abilities and perform their SWOT. Using this Professional Report, weekly career counselling & guidance sessions are organized for candidates (and their parents if required) to unleash their potential. We work with them to define their Career Goals and empower them to work on their Passion.
Candidate’s current knowledge of IT is assessed and based on their aspiration, suitable trainings (CoK) or internship is proposed to enhance their skills and make them Job ready.
Around specialized IT areas, we have designed a practical industry wise courseware with Direct Supervision & Guidance from the Industry Experts in respective areas. Our courses are more designed for practical and hand-on exposure. We follow a case studies and problem – solution approach for these training.
For Training and deployment, we are focusing on Verification, Validation and testing across industries. And by using these trained peoples for Encouraging Kaizen culture across industries will give them a great sense of achievement and pride.
We organize special Events for Engagement, Sensitization and Knowledge Sharing with aspirants.